Dear Partners,
In order to guarantee the continuity of our production activities, we adopted a series of additional measures and implemented the recommendations of the Ministry of Health for the management of hygienic-sanitary risk as well as a set of additional measures for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency caused by COVID-19 within CRIS-TIM group of companies.
Cris-Tim is the most renowned company on the Romanian cold cuts market, whose core values are: care for people, responsibility, innovation, tradition and quality. Our offering is comprised of a diverse safe and fresh food products.
This is how we built Cris-Tim. We are proud of the tight connection we have with our customers and we are committed to keep being at their side and at our partners’ side in order to build together the future we desire.
Given the current situation in Romania and globally, caused by the emergence and spread of the COVID-19 virus, we are committed to prioritize the care for people and to responsibly implement a series of protection and prevention measures against the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Since the first COVID-19 infection case in Romanian we have implemented a crisis team, responsible for the implementation and tracking of the protection and prevention measures against COVID-19.
The set of measures was immediately implemented across all companies within Cris-Tim Group and covers staff activities as well as the entire food chain, starting at the raw materials and ingredients’ reception and throughout the entire production flow until distribution.
Therefore, the set of measures include, without being limited to, the following actions:
1. Daily monitoring of the temperature of the operation staff in the production plants/logistic warehouses/access points.
2. Installation of dispensers with alcohol-based disinfectants (min. 60%) in all common areas (access spaces, administrative areas, dining areas), in all Cris-Tim Group sites (production plants, logistic warehouses, administrative areas).
3. Introduction of additional disinfection filters and access control to the premises as follows:
a) implementing hand disinfection measures by using alcohol-based disinfectant solution (min 60%);
b) body temperature measurement with infrared thermometers 830 T1 – the temperature value and the control limit being maximum 37.5 C.
4. Implementation of work means related to the washing/disinfection operations in accordance with the requirements issued by the Ministry of Health and displaying them in all common areas, in visible points.
5. Reorganization of the work schedule of employees in order to minimise staff presence on sites. All activities not requiring mandatory presence at company’s premises are carried out from home. Other major measures were meant to decrease the number of employees being present at the same time in the building.
All staff whose presence at Cris-Tim Group sites is mandatory have been provided with means of transport in order to prevent them from using public transport and avoid COVID-19 infection.
6. All employees have been instructed to follow and promote the right prevention measures, starting with those related to sanitation and hygiene and with specific work instruction.
7. Employees signed affidavits regarding travelling in the last 14 days to areas with COVID-19 (the new coronavirus) infected people, coming into direct contact with people suspected of being infected or infected with COVID-19 (the new coronavirus) or with people who are suspected of acute respiratory infections at work, near their home or when visiting medical facilities in the last 14 days.
8. In the production and administrative areas as well as in the warehouses, we keep a 1-meter distance between people. Operators’ workstations have accordingly been moved in order to minimise the possible contacts across the production line.
9. Operation and production staff are equipped with appropriate personal protective devices, including work equipment, single use aprons, protective shoes, gloves, masks. Special designated staff supervise that the measures are followed such as: hand disinfection with special solutions, wearing appropriate work equipment, masks and gloves change frequency.
10. Close interpersonal contacts, including in locker rooms or dining spaces, between employees of different departments are avoided, so that if there is an infected employee in one department, then the infection will be limited to that particular department in which they work.
a) Thus, there were established access schedules to different workspaces, as well as to the common dining spaces for the teams of employees from different departments.
b) In the production plants the night shift activity was limited, prioritizing only the processes that require continuity, so that to minimise the presence of staff inside the plant.
11. Prevention and control measures of the contamination of premises, surfaces, equipment are aimed at:
a) ventilation with ozone of all work spaces, outbuildings, locker rooms, toilets, canteen;
b) increase of frequency of the post-operational/chemical disinfection operations with disinfectants based on compounds with strong virucidal and antibacterial action and broad spectrum of action;
c) performing additional disinfection operations, carried out with fog blasters, by specialized companies, in locker rooms, toilets, technological hallways and canteen/dining room;
d) disinfection of all handrails, handles with alcohol-based disinfectant solution (min. 60%), every 3 hours;
e) disinfection of the means of transport (support bars, door handles, benches) with alcohol-based disinfectant solution (min 60%), after each staff transport to the plant;
(f) filter change frequency increase in production areas equipped with air treatment devices and specific purifying filters;
g) sampling frequency increase with standard sanitation tests of surfaces, work equipment and microaeroflora.
12. Human and financial resources are continuously allocated for soap/disinfectant and paper towels for toilets as well as for maintaining the stocks of masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, disinfectants for equipment, means of transport and workspaces.
13. Foreign people access to the premises has been minimised.
The access to the premises for the representatives of the service providers has been limited. In cases where their presence at the site is absolutely necessary, they shall pass a specially designed disinfection filter upon access on the premises, where the following operations are performed under the supervision of security guards
a) hand sanitizing operations with alcohol-based disinfectant solutions (min 60%);
b) measurement of body temperature with infrared thermometers 830 T1 – the temperature value as well as the control limit being max. 37,5 ͦC;
c) affidavits certifying they have not been in contact with COVID-19 infected people or with people originating from infected areas.
14. The following preventive and protection measures have been implemented for the raw material, ingredient supplier couriers and client couriers:
a) Drivers and suppliers’ representatives access inside the storage/uploading platform has been forbidden and their access inside the administrative area has been limited;
b) Drivers and suppliers’ representatives will be checked by our company’s representatives;
c) Drivers will not be allowed to get off their vehicles (they shall be directed to the uploading ramps and they shall park in specially designed spots inside the warehouses). The platforms have the necessary capacity to ensure parking and safety for our visitors and for the transported goods, in quality conditions. If during the uploading/downloading operations the drivers need to get off their vehicle, they shall also follow the safety measure regarding 1 meter distance between people;
d) Our company’s representatives will pick up the transport documents, where necessary, wearing the corresponding protection equipment, gloves and face masks, and keeping 1 meter distance from the external representatives and sanitizing their hands afterwards.
15. In order to guarantee the continuity in our distribution chain, the means of transport where our products shall be transported will be continuously sanitized.
16. Before going on route, delivery drivers will be provided with gloves and face masks. All products/packages/boxes will be handled using gloves throughout the distribution process.
17. Delivery drivers will keep to a minimum the number of people with whom they come into contact during the distribution of our products and will wear mask to keep for their own safety and for our clients’ safety. They will keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from people they have contact with.
18. The plan of measures shall be continuously updated in the light of the new developments at national and international level.
We would like to mention that up to the present moment no COVID-19 infection case has been detected in Cris-Tim Group.
19. In order to ensure the continuity of the Company’s production, logistics and transport activities in case of potential or confirmed infection with COVID-19, we have implemented a series of work procedures regarding the measures to be applied to COVID-19 infected people, as well as those who have come in contacted with infected people.
a) If a member of the company is diagnosed with COVID-19, the Public Health Department (DSP), the responsible authority for information on the best prevention and contention measures against COVID-19 spreading, will be informed.
b) DSP is the only authority that can carry out the epidemiological investigation and provide measures to prevent and protect employees.
c) Cris-Tim Group staff training: production plants, logistic warehouses, administrative areas will be trained on the subject of the work procedure regarding the measures to be applied in case of infected people.
d) Back-up production staff in order to guarantee the continuity of production and logistic activities in the event of COVID-19 infections.
Following the hygiene and health rules as well as the actions/measures taken to prevent COVID-19 virus from spreading, we would like to reassure you that all production, logistics and transport activities for food products supplied by companies within Cris-Tim Group are guaranteed.